Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler Says Antifa Violence in Portland is ‘a Myth’

by Mary Rose Corkery


Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York said antifa violence in Portland is a myth in a YouTube video published Monday.

Nadler made the comment during an interview with Austen Fletcher. Fletcher hosts Fleccas Talks, a political channelaccording to the Dartmouth Review.


“It is true, there’s violence across the whole country, do you disavow the violence from antifa that’s happening in Portland now?” Fletcher asked Nadler in the video.

“That’s, that’s, that’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington D.C.,” Nadler responded.

Protests and riots have engulfed Portland for two months. Protesters have clashed with police, with rioters tearing down fencing protecting the federal courthouse and shining lasers at police, and police firing tear gas and pepper spray.

Protesters have been advocating for racial justice and police reform after George Floyd died in police custody on May 25.

“I was disappointed in Mr. Nadler,” Fletcher told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Downplaying it is one thing but pretending it doesn’t exist, especially when the clips are going viral on social media shows me where his priorities really are. Anything to maintain the narrative.”

Nadler did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Mary Rose Corkery is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.










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4 Thoughts to “Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler Says Antifa Violence in Portland is ‘a Myth’”

  1. John

    Then it must also be a myth that one needs a brain to construct a sentence because Nadler is obviously missing his.

  2. Dave

    Left-wing socialist nut jobs actually caring about the lives of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, now THERE’S a myth for ya!

  3. Ron Welch

    In the video of that brief conversation, one of his handlers comes and hustles him into his vehicle lest he go into more extensive idiocy and lies.

  4. Russ Crouch

    Mr. Nadler having any common, or any other sense, is the myth. ANYONE that can say the riots and who is doing it is not happening, is as addled as Joe Biden.
